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MakeUp In Sao Paulo To Hold Its 3rd Edition In December

Last year the second edition of MakeUp in SaoPaulo had gathered some 1,200 visitors (80% from Brazil, the rest divided between Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Mexico). Key industry players producing in Brazil have responded once again this year to the call for this third edition, with some newcomers such as the Albéa Group, Alkos Group, Incom, Inovao, Jal Design Packaging Int’l, Louisa Oliva, Qualipac - Groupe Pochet, Texen.

Positive market outlooks

“All indicators show that the cosmetic sector is regaining momentum. Manufacturers are also sure of this, as evidenced by the significant investments made by companies who have built or are building new production sites in the country, such as Intercos, Fiabila, Qualipac, Fareva, etc.,” said the organisers.

Actually, several major suppliers of the makeup industry, such as Lipson or Qualipac (Groupe Pochet), recently completed heavy investments to increase their production capabilities.

18 conferences and roundtables

The conference program of this third edition will include 18 conferences and roundtables involving 30 speakers.

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